Monday, 18 April 2011

5. Friday 15th April 2011

Peter very kindly visited the site before our scheduled starting time to remove the heavy bags of soil, which we had left in the trench last evening, hopefully to stop interested parties from excavating any further.
Sue, Alan and Ruth then proceeded to widen the trench by a few inches to see if we could determine how far the flags extended. However, as they obviously continue towards the path and possibly under it, and time was running out, it was decided that any further excavation would have to be left to some future date. So it was time for Alan to photograph everything of importance and to start recording.

Howard Carter, eat your heart out!   © Alan Williams

The more we looked at the ornate pattern of the shells and stones on the Grotto wall, the more apparent it became just how lovely it must have been in its day. How sad that it has been vandalised and left to decay to its present state.
Helen arrived just in time to sketch the floor and adjacent section of wall, and to discuss with Sue the drawing and painting of the ’Romantick Ruin’, which Helen is going to do. With Sue using her expertise in drawing and Alan and Ruth holding the staff and the tapes, the recording was finished in record time. Sadly it was then time for back-filling and clearing of the site, greatly assisted by another member of the Civic Society, Steve.
It has been an excellent week (we have been very lucky with the weather – only 1 hours rain on Monday) and as well as a great deal of fun, we have all added to our experience of excavating and recording yet another aspect of archaeology.
Grateful thanks must go to all members of both UWHG and the Civic Society who have taken part, helped or advised, and especially to the Director of the Project, Sue.
Thanks also to the members of the general public who have shown such an interest in the work and who have drawn on their memories, which have helped to increase our knowledge of the site.

Ruth Spencer

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